Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • Extract it with:
    tar xvf libusb-mingw-w64_1.0.24.orig.tar.gz

  • Rename extracted folder name to match “<source-package-name>-<upstream-version-number>”:
    mv libusb-1.0.24 libusb-mingw-w64-1.0.24


  • Let's try building with:

    debuild -us -uc

  • Google around for any issues that arise on each build attempt…

  • Try open the generated .deb file in an archive browser to assess whether the built binaries are in the desired locations

  • Try install the package and build a mega65-tools mingw target, e.g. make and see if you get any errors:

    Code Block
    sudo dpkg -i libusb-mingw-w64_1.0.24-1_amd64.deb
    make bin/mega65_ftp.exe
    and see if you get any errors

  • If you get errors, uninstall the .deb, tweak your debian/* files some more, google some more, try call debuild -us -uc again, try install binaries and un-install your old .deb and install your new one, then run the make .exe again. Rinse and repeat…

    Code Block
    # <tweak stuff in debian/*>
    debuild -us -uc
    # <assess warnings/errors in .deb build output>
    sudo dkpg -r libusb-mingw-w64
    sudo dpkg -i libusb-mingw-w64_1.0.24-1_amd64.deb
    make bin/mega65_ftp.exe
    # <assess warnings/errors in .exe build output>
    # go back to step 1

Some tweaks I recall making

  • I had to add a debian/source/include-binaries file consisting of:

    Code Block

    (this was to assure those files were included inside the .deb package, as they’re not in the typical lib/ location)

  • From inside debian/control, I removed the Package: libusb-mingw-w64 section, as when I inspected its contents, it had nothing significant in it.

Sharing these .deb files via a package repository

I had a prior attempt at this at the following location:

It was working fine for a while, but after a year passed, the certificate expired and I had no memory of the password I set or how to update the certificate.

So for now, I’ll just manually share the newly-generated .deb file here:

Later on, I’ll try remake the .deb package repository, and get better acquainted with these certificate shenanigans…