NOTE: this is mostly obsolete, as the new build process uses docker and inside of it the conan package management system to install the required mingw libs.
See GitHub builder-docker repository for more information.
Extract it with:
tar xvf libusb-mingw-w64_1.0.24.orig.tar.gz
Rename extracted folder name to match “<source-package-name>-<upstream-version-number>”:
mv libusb-1.0.24 libusb-mingw-w64-1.0.24
Let's try building with:
debuild -us -uc
Google around for any issues that arise on each build attempt…
Try open the generated .deb file in an archive browser to assess whether the built binaries are in the desired locations
Try install the package and build a mega65-tools mingw target, e.g. make and see if you get any errors:
and see if you get any errorsCode Block sudo dpkg -i libusb-mingw-w64_1.0.24-1_amd64.deb make bin/mega65_ftp.exe
If you get errors, uninstall the .deb, tweak your
files some more, google some more, try calldebuild -us -uc
again, try install binaries and un-install your old .deb and install your new one, then run the make .exe again. Rinse and repeat…Code Block # <tweak stuff in debian/*> debuild -us -uc # <assess warnings/errors in .deb build output> sudo dkpg -r libusb-mingw-w64 sudo dpkg -i libusb-mingw-w64_1.0.24-1_amd64.deb make bin/mega65_ftp.exe # <assess warnings/errors in .exe build output> # go back to step 1
Some tweaks I recall making
I had to add a
file consisting of:Code Block debian/libusb-mingw-w64/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/libusb-1.0.dll debian/libusb-mingw-w64/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/bin/libusb-1.0.dll
(this was to assure those files were included inside the .deb package, as they’re not in the typical
location)From inside
, I removed thePackage: libusb-mingw-w64
section, as when I inspected its contents, it had nothing significant in it.
Sharing these .deb files via a package repository
I had a prior attempt at this at the following location:
It was working fine for a while, but after a year passed, the certificate expired and I had no memory of the password I set or how to update the certificate.
So for now, I’ll just manually share the newly-generated .deb file here:
Later on, I’ll try remake the .deb package repository, and get better acquainted with these certificate shenanigans…