This is the home page for our effort to validate the MEGA65 firmware and system software for the Q4’2022 shipping batch, known as “release 0.95.” If you have a batch #1 MEGA65 (“R3”) or a Dev Kit, or a Nexys 4DDR board, you can help!

We especially need people to test with a batch #1 MEGA65 (“R3”). If you have a JTAG interface and a clean SD card, you can set up your MEGA65 to most closely resemble a factory install, with the release candidate core in slot 0. If you do not have a JTAG interface, you can still test the firmware and system software with the core in slot 1.

Current release candidate

Latest release candidate SD card contents (possibly newer than in the release candidate archive):

There are also test distributions for R2 and Nexys 4DDR boards, though issues specific to these boards will need to be considered separately from this release.

Known issues

See for major known issues being tracked for this release.


How to report issues

Please check whether a bug has already been filed before creating a new issue! This helps us with de-duplicating and triage. When possible, comment on an existing issue.

If you have found a new issue with the core in slot 0, the Onboarding tool, the Config Tool, or the Flasher menu, click New Issue on that page to associate the new issue with the release milestone.

To report an issue with the release prep disk, visit mega65-release-pre Github Issues, then click new Issue. It will be triaged to the appropriate repo and priority for release.

Requested tests

We are currently focusing on: Testing everything!

Note: first flash your MEGA, then do the other tests!

How to flash a core to slot 0

You must use the m65 command line tool (the “refactor” version). Using M65Connect will currently not work!

  1. Copy the latest release COR file to the SD card, using a short filename such as R3RC1.COR.
    Make sure that you also have all required files on your sdcard, as using jtagflash needs a running MEGA65 System!

  2. Turn off your MEGA65.

  3. Open the MEGA65 case.

  4. Set DIP switch 3 to ON. (Switch 1 is closest to the front of the case. “ON” is to the left.)

  5. Make sure your JTAG interface is connected to the MEGA65 main board, and to your PC.

  6. Turn on your MEGA65.

  7. MEGA65 will notice that DIP 3 is on. Press Run/Stop when prompted.

  8. The monitor appears. Press x then Return to exit the monitor to the READY prompt.

  9. Use m65 tool to push the BIT file via JTAG to your MEGA65. If this fails, stop here.
    m65 --bitonly mega65-reltest/mega65r3-2022XXYY.ZZ-abcdefg-89fdecb.bit

  10. This will give you an output like:

    ograf@vlad$ m65 --bitonly mega65-reltest/mega65r3-2022XXYY.ZZ-abcdefg-89fdecb.bit
    2022-09-23T08:35:35.074Z NOTE MEGA65 Cross-Development Tool 20220919.23-refact-bf8ded4~
    2022-09-23T08:35:35.112Z NOTE selecting device /dev/ttyUSB1 (Digilent; 0403:6010; 251633006E10; 03636093)
    2022-09-23T08:35:35.228Z NOTE fpgajtag: Starting to send file
    2022-09-23T08:35:38.759Z NOTE fpgajtag: Done sending file
    2022-09-23T08:35:38.776Z NOTE Bitstream loaded

    Note the second line: selecting device /dev/ttyUSB1
    What is printed there is the device you need in step 12.

  11. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to return to the READY prompt.

  12. Use m65 tool to start jtagflash.prg in C64 mode. It is also possible to start jtagflash.prg from a D81 image.

    1. Download jtagflash.prg (Discord link, Sept 22)

    2. m65 --device <YOURDEV> --c64mode --run jtagflash.prg
      Note: you must specify the device, because the autodiscovery will reset the JTAG!

  13. Press Return at the three jtagflash prompts.

  14. Select the COR file you put on your SD card (we used R3RC1.COR above).

  15. Wait for flashing to complete.

  16. Turn off your MEGA65. Set DIP switch 3 to OFF.

The test core is now in slot 0. Next in the test procedure would be booting the system into MEGAFLASH by holding NO-SCROLL and then powering on the system. There you can flash slot 1 with the same core you just did put into slot 0.

After this you can proceed with testing the internals (like onboarding, fdisk, and configure) and any other software you like.