Curious about the MEGA65? Want to try the emulator?

Curious about the MEGA65? Want to try the emulator?

For folks that are curious about the MEGA65, that want to browse and explore its universe through an emulator first, here’s some links to help you out on your journey:

Getting the Xemu emulator and MEGA65 ROM

  • Xemu MEGA65 emulator available here:
    - https://github.lgb.hu/xemu/

  • Sourcing a MEGA65 ROM for the emulator can be tricky (licensing issues)

  • There is a pathway available to patch a C65 ROM into a MEGA65 ROM

  • In more recent times, a few community members have contributed scripts that will automate the retrieval of C65 rom over the net and patching it into a M65 rom. If you’re curious to try, take a look at:

  • See Retrocombs’ walkthrough videos for advice:

Try out existing software

How do I use .prg and .d81 files with xemu?

Option 1: Drag’n’drop .prg and .d81 files onto the xemu window

Upon doing so, this popup window will appear. Typically you would do as follows:

  • For prg files: click “Run/injecting as PRG

  • For .d81 files: click “Mount as D81

Option 2: right-click via the context menu

Option 3: Use the “HDOS virtualisation” option

Alternatively, run xemu from the command-line with the -hdosvirt argument.

Then locate the HDOS folder as follows:

Then drop your PRG/.D81 files within the “hdos” folder in here:

Then back in xemu:

  • For PRG files, type: DLOAD "FILE.PRG",U12

  • For D81 files, type: MOUNT "MYDISK.D81" and can then do any of the following:

    • do a DIR to see the contents within.

    • You can press SHIFT + RUN-STOP to load the first file on the disk

    • If the disk contains an AUTOBOOT.C65 file, you can type BOOT to run it

    • You can use the cursor keys to moce to the start of any PRG file within the DIR listing and type / followed by RETURN key to load and run it

NOTE: When using this option, it’s probably best to rename all your files to be:

  • All uppercase

  • DOS 8.3 filenames.

E.g. “GNG.D81” (and not “Ghosts n Goblins.d81”)

I’d like to try to run “Intro Disk #02” in xemu!

UPDATE: We’ve recently released our ALL_INTRO DISKS zip package containing **ALL**intro disks from the past years!

This is a great way to sample many programs created by the community quickly via a friendly menu system. As of 2024, it gives you access to about 192 software titles!

Download links:


If you’d like to try the ALL_INTROS collection via the MEGA65 emulator. I’d recommend the following approach:

  • Un-zip the “ALL_INTROS - Public.zip” file and place all items within its “sdcard-files/” folder into your “hdos” folder as per option 3 described earlier

  • Run xemu via the command-line and select the “INTRO2.D81” disk by default, e.g.:

    • xmega65.exe -hdosvirt

This will assure that it will start up on hdos turned on (it will load the Main Menu intro via the default MEGA65.D81 image within this package), and after you try running a program on the menu, xemu should let you jump back to the menu with F10 (reboot).

On the occasions it fails to do so (due to a program that needed to mount another disk), try press F9 instead (to shutdown), and quickly re-run xmega65.exe with the arguments mentioned earlier.

Joystick support within Xemu

USB Joysticks

USB joysticks do work fine in xemu.


Joystick emulation via keyboard

Via Numeric Keypad

By default, xemu uses the numeric keypad to emulate the joystick on port 2.

To swap over to port 1, press the numeric keypad’s “Enter” key.

Via Cursor Keys

As some keyboards don’t have a numeric keypad (such as on laptops), an alternative is available to set the cursor keys as the joystick.

  • Right-click and go to “Input Devices >> Cursor keys as joystick

  • If you need to swap between joy port 1/2, go to “Input Devices >> Swap emulated joystick port

Want to learn more?

Ok, I’ve tried all that, now I want the real thing!

After exploring, if you find yourself itching to purchase a MEGA65, head to the Trenz website:


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