Magic pokes into the config sector (via mega65_ftp)

The settings you specify in the MEGA65 config screens (e.g., sid-type, pal/ntsc, etc) are stored in sector 1 of your sd-card.

To change such settings, one would typically return back to the config menu (via alt+power up).

Though sometimes there may be occasions where a developer wants to tweak such settings on the fly, without powering off the computer.

For such occasions, you can use mega65_ftp tool to ‘poke’ values into this config sector.

Here is a list of handy ‘magic pokes’ I’ve got so far:

poke 1 33 0 (Scanlines off) poke 1 33 32 (Scanlines on) poke 1 2 128 (ntsc) poke 1 2 0 (pal) poke 1 $0f $80 (turn on lfn support) poke 1 $0f $00 (turn off lfn support)


Note the argument list of mega65_ftp’s poke command is as follows:

poke <sector> <offset> <value>


If you’d like to decipher more poke values for other config settings, take a look at this file for all the config details: