Remember to record the meeting!
Take a look at the security settings and consider:
(x) Enable the Waiting Room
(x) Hide Profile Pictures
Disable most of the Participant activities, but consider enabling:
Start Video
After meeting starts, consider doing "Security >> Lock Meeting"
Have a read of other precautions mentioned here:
Technical Rehearsal
Some things on my mind:
Happy for retrocombs to focus on MC duties:
a chance for Retrocombs to practise his welcoming everyone to the event, introductions to presenters, thanking presenters, calling for any questions at the end of each presentation, and farewell/wrap-up finale
one of us can roleplay being a presenter, and we can work out how we arrange rights to use microphone and screen share.
Lydon will keep his focus on the tech-stream side of things (assure all is well in zoom streaming to youtube).
let's rehearse a scenario where there's a technical issue and MC has to apologise and assure tech staff looking into the matter
I'll try to do moderating when I can, but will also enlist someone else as a moderator too (maybe dddaaannn or deft), to keep their eyes on any rogue, troublesome users if they need to be muted/booted.
We can roleplay this, one of us can play mischief maker so that a moderator can practise booting them