MEGAVISION technical preparations
Remember to record the meeting!
Take a look at the security settings and consider:
(x) Enable the Waiting Room
(x) Hide Profile Pictures
Disable most of the Participant activities, but consider enabling:
Share Screen
Start Video
After meeting starts, consider doing "Security >> Lock Meeting"
Have a read of other precautions mentioned here:
Technical Rehearsal
Some things on my mind:
Happy for retrocombs to focus on MC duties:
a chance for Retrocombs to practise his welcoming everyone to the event, introductions to presenters, thanking presenters, calling for any questions at the end of each presentation, and farewell/wrap-up finale
one of us can roleplay being a presenter, and we can work out how we arrange rights to use microphone and screen share.
Lydon will keep his focus on the tech-stream side of things (assure all is well in zoom streaming to youtube).
let's rehearse a scenario where there's a technical issue and MC has to apologise and assure tech staff looking into the matter
I'll try to do moderating when I can, but will also enlist someone else as a moderator too (maybe dddaaannn or deft), to keep their eyes on any rogue, troublesome users if they need to be muted/booted.
We can roleplay this, one of us can play mischief maker so that a moderator can practise booting them
Happy for presenters to give me an estimate of how much time they need for their presentation
I'm thinking a maximum of 10 minutes would be good, so that a few extra minutes after can be for questions.(but open to negotiation if you feel your topic is worthy of more time)
Level of Detail:
Up to the presenter, they can try gage what the audience might take an interest in, some possibilities:
The journey that got you to where you are
The toolchain that aided you in getting there
Insights gained, gotchyas to look out for, anything worth highlighting for anyone interested in following a similar journey to you
Info for Presenters
Intended audience:
Anyone presently within the MEGA65 community or interested in the machine
Could be a mix of folks on discord, or from facebook c65/mega65 group, or
Powerpoint Template
Mteufel has kindly shared his powerpoint template, if you’d like a MEGA65/C64-colour scheme template for your presentation
Technical Rehearsal
Presently, we're aiming for a technical rehearsal on the Sunday 25th June - 7PM UTC.
Main aim was for Retrocombs, Lydon and myself to iron out the MC duties, moderator duties and Zoom/Youtube streaming arrangemnts.
But if any presenters would like to use it as a chance to practise their presentation, message Gurce on discord and we can keep you in the loop on this
Zoom call / Youtube streaming arrangements
Zoom meeting will be for organisers, presenters and trusted known people within the Discord community that asked to join in on the Zoom call.
This group will have the Zoom chat window if needed
The youtube stream will be for the general public
think there's a 30 second delay in the stream here
This group will have youtube comments
Discord server is another location we’re planning for chat/comments/questions
Web link: