


M65Connect is a GUI driven multi-platform tool to interact with the MEGA65 over LAN or Serial USB (JTAG).

Follow the chapters in listed order to get familiar with M65Connect.

If you are browsing inside M65Connect and a link wont open then right-click the link and select Open Link.


Downloads are available for:


Installation Notes


While running M65Connect you may see warnings about tool start for m65.exe, mega65_ftp.exe or etherload.exe. Same may happen to access specific folders. M65Connect will not harm your PC, so you can accept upcoming warnings.



On first start of M65Connect on Mac you may see a popup window like this:

M65Connect is not damaged but not signed with an Apple Developer ID. That’s why you will see this warning. You can allow the start of M65Connect in System Settings > Privacy & Security. If it’s not listed there you might try one of these two options (macOS 10.12+):

Option 1

  1. Open the Terminal app

  2. Head to the location where you have copied M65Connect into.
    If you are not familiar with the Terminal app:
    cd : Brings you to your home directory (Documents)
    cd <directory> : Head into <directory> (case sensitive)
    ls : List all file and directory entries

  3. Enter command: xattr -cr M65Connect.app

  4. Try to start M65Connect again

  5. If it works you can close the Terminal app.

Option 2

  1. Open the Terminal app

  2. Enter this command: sudo spctl --master-disable and press ENTER (Admin password needed)

  3. Try to start M65Connect again. If you get the message above again, delete, unzip and start it again.

  4. After successful start enter this line to reactivate Gatekeeper: sudo spctl --master-enable

  5. Now you can close the Terminal app and work with M65Connect.

Whenever you download and install another version of M65Connect you have to do Option 1 or Option 2 again.

Additional permissions

While running M65Connect you may see warnings about tool start for m65.osx, mega65_ftp.osx or etherload.osx. Same may happen to access specific folders. M65Connect will not harm your Mac, so you can accept upcoming warnings.