JTAG/Serial drivers under Windows
JTAG/Serial drivers under Windows
For MEGA65 owners with JTAG adapters that want to communicate with them via the Windows OS, here’s a set of instructions for drivers:
1) Install the official FTDI D2xx driver from:
- https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/
- take a look at Amok's doc for more detailed steps on how to do this:
- Link: https://discord.com/channels/719326990221574164/720355877701550131/845678658576187402
2) Install Zadig
- Download it from: https://zadig.akeo.ie/
- Use it to update the "Diligent USB Device (Interface 0)" item to use the WinUSB driver (but not (Interface 1)":
If you have a TEI0004-02 adapter, it will look more like this:
More info available relating to the TEI0004-02 adapter on this filehost article page: