Dumping and restoring sd-card contents
On occasions when a developer wants to debug a user’s issues with files they have on sd-card, if we are unable to replicate locally in any way, another thing we can try is to ask the affected user to dump some of their sd-card contents for us to assess by copying it to our own sd-card.
Dumping the full 1st partition of your sd-card
Linux/Mac systems may come with a tool like dd
(or you could install it via some package manager).
E.g., if your sd-card is device /dev/sdb
, then something like:
dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=sdcard_partition1.bin bs=1M
If it's sd-card that came with the MEGA65, this should result in a 13GB file called sdcard_partition1.bin
Dumping a portion of the 1st partition of your sd-card
If the user’s sd-card isn't too full, maybe you don't need the whole shebang, and could make do with just the 1st gigabyte or so:
dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=sdcard_partition1.bin bs=1M size=1G
Copying the dump onto your own sd-card
Note: Prior to doing so, you probably should dump your own sd-card’s 1st partition, to assure that you don’t lose anything you need.
E.g., if your sd-card is device /dev/sdb
, then something like:
dd if=sdcard_partition1.bin of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M