Super simple Protovision-compatible Joystick Expander for MEGA65

Super simple Protovision-compatible Joystick Expander for MEGA65

Initial information for this project came from Paul’s blog post from 2020 here:

Recently (2022), Gurce tried to create the same joystick expander for himself, gleaning details from the blog post and also diving into more of the details, covered in these discord threads:

How to create the adaptor

So in brief, I’ll share how I went about creating the adaptor and how to make use of it.


I purchased these handy experimenting/hobby-friendly cartridge-port pcb boards and two male DB9 connectors:


Here’s a diagram of how I wired them up:

  • Connect /DMA to GND pin

  • Connect the PCB’s JOY3 signals (up/down/left/right/fire/gnd) to JOY3 DB9

  • Connect the PCB’s JOY4 signals (up/down/left/right/fire/gnd) to JOY4 DB9


NOTE1: Recent bitstreams disable the adaptor by default. To enable it, you need to type:

POKE $7010001, 14


NOTE2: Older bitstreams experienced a ‘sticky movement' issue on joystick #3. To resolve this, assure you have the following bitstream or newer (assess from git hash or date):

commit c0ab2a448a97131edbf0148251d96d3fdd2c878d Author: Gurce Isikyildiz <Gurce.Isikyildiz@resmed.com.au> Date: Mon Aug 1 08:22:54 2022 +1000 minor tweak to fix joystick 3's 'sticky' movement issue


NOTE3: This adaptor board is only intended for use with the MEGA65.

Happy Snaps

Here’s some happy-snaps of it all connected up:


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